Young Workers of the Trades Union Congress – TUC (Ghana) made up of delegates and observers, are holding their 2ND Quadrennial Youth Delegates Congress at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST in Kumasi.

 The close to two hundred delegates are young workers of the eighteen affiliate national unions of the TUC along with observers from TUC”s international and local partners.  The delegates by the end of the two-day conference would have agreed on thorny policy issues for young workers.

 These include provisions in the TUC Youth policy deemed to be obsolete or are out of sink with current trends. Reviews have been proposed by the various working committees for changes to be made to these provisions that have operated for the past quadrennial.

Working Committees in Conference include the resolution, credentials, standing orders and election committees, among others who have gone through the provisions and proposed the changes.  

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